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Our Trusted Suppliers



CarmoCoffees from Carmo de Minas, Brazil, specializes in developing unique flavor profiles and high-quality coffee processing. The company collaborates with over 100 producers and offers a wide selection of Arabica beans. CarmoCoffees actively incorporates modern processing technologies, including natural and washed methods, making it one of the key suppliers for roasters focused on premium coffee.

Atlantica Coffee


Atlantica Coffee, one of Brazil's largest exporters of Arabica, focuses on sourcing coffee from regions such as Sul de Minas, Mogiana, and Chapada de Minas. The company maintains stringent quality control throughout the entire production process, from cultivation to export. Through direct collaboration with farmers, Atlantica Coffee ensures stable supplies of high-flavor beans, making it an ideal partner for coffee shop owners and roasters seeking consistent quality.

Phuc Sinh Corporation


Phuc Sinh, based in Vietnam, is a leading exporter of Robusta and Arabica beans, with an emphasis on quality and sustainability. The company innovates with processing methods, including wet polishing, which enhances the flavor and appearance of the beans. Phuc Sinh works directly with local farmers, ensuring sustainable production practices and reliable supply chains. This makes it the perfect partner for those seeking a consistent and high-quality source of Robusta.

Ally Coffee


Ally Coffee operates in key coffee-growing regions of Ethiopia, such as Guji and Yirgacheffe, offering a diverse selection of beans renowned for their vibrant flavor profiles. The company supports farmers through educational initiatives and sustainable partnerships, helping to preserve Ethiopia's rich coffee traditions. Ally Coffee provides roasters with access to green coffee beans known for their high acidity and floral and fruity notes, characteristic of Ethiopian Arabica.